.What should I do before my treatment?
- Please gently exfoliate your lips a few days prior to your appointment
- Please avoid any blood thinners 24-48 hours prior to your appointment. (Fish oil, vitamin E, Aspirin) Blood thinners can affect the result of your cosmetic tattoo. Please consult your Doctor before ceasing blood thinning medication. (Panadol is fine to take if you have a headache)
- Please avoid alcohol & caffeine 24-48 hours prior to your appointment. (Coffee, energy drinks)
- Avoid the sun. If you arrive with sunburn or freshly tanned skin you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn/tan, it will take the pigment with it.
- A gentle request to please not wear perfume to your appointment as I am allergic. Thank you in advance 🤍
- Please avoid using Retinoids, Tretinoin, glycolic acid, AHA’s, Vitamin C and other medicated creams such as pigmentation treatments on or near the area to be tattooed for minimum 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
- Please avoid hair growth serums or creams in the area to be treated for minimum 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
- Avoid working out the day of your appointment. Get your last work out in the night before!
- If you have taken Roaccutane in the past you must wait minimum 6 months before you can obtain a cosmetic tattoo.
- Treatments such as laser, peels, threading. waxing, botox, filler should take place 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after your appointment. We need healthy, non-irritated skin for the best possible result.
- Plan your appointment minimum 1 month prior to a holiday and minimum 1 month after. You’ll have to avoid sun exposure, tanning and water/sweat for the duration of healing. If you want both sessions done prior to your holiday plan your first session 3 months prior.
- Brow Clients - Wash your hair the night before! You won’t be able to get your treated area wet for up to 2 weeks during healing
- - Allow your brows to grow as much as possible and I will shape and style them on the day.
- Plan your brow cosmetic tattoo appointment 2 weeks after a tint and 6-8 weeks after henna. - Lip Clients - If you are prone to cold sores please take an antiviral such a lysine 7 days leading up to your appointment.
- Please gently exfoliate your lips a few days prior to your appointment